Local Union 72
Local Union 72 Partner
Galgon HVAC is proud to be apart of the Local Union 72. This is where all of our technicians and pipefitters go through an apprenticeship to ensure they give our customer top quality and experience at their trade.
There are many benefits to being a union member and we recommend checking out their website at: https://ua72.org/
You can also see the pay scale for union members here: (see attached PDF)
Below are the details of the healthcare plan as well as the pension plan.
- 1. Health and Welfare
- a. The H&W benefit is available to journeymen, apprentices, servicemen, tradesmen, their spouses and dependents, after working for the Local 72 signatory contractor for 400 hours.
- b. Helpers get individual H&W coverage after working 400 hours, but spouses and dependents are not eligible.
- 2. Pension
- a. Journeymen, apprentices, and servicemen are eligible for a pension. The pension is earned and vested after working 10 years for a Local 72 signatory contractor. Anyone with 10 years credit and age 58 and older may draw from the pension plan.Example: A journeyman that is 58 years old with 30 years of credit earns a monthly pension of approximately $3,000.00.
- 3. Annuity
- a. The defined contribution (annuity) accumulates over time for journeymen. A contribution of $3.00 is made into an account for every hour an individual works. A journeyman who is 58 years old, or more, may draw money from the annuity.

Local Union 72
Galgon HVAC is proud to be apart of the Local Union 72. This is where all of our technicians and pipefitters go through an apprenticeship to ensure they give our customer top quality and experience at their trade.
There are many benefits to being a union member and we recommend checking out their website at: https://ua72.org/
You can also see the pay scale for union members here: (see attached PDF)
Below are the details of the healthcare plan as well as the pension plan.
- 1. Health and Welfare
- a. The H&W benefit is available to journeymen, apprentices, servicemen, tradesmen, their spouses and dependents, after working for the Local 72 signatory contractor for 400 hours.
- b. Helpers get individual H&W coverage after working 400 hours, but spouses and dependents are not eligible.
- 2. Pension
- a. Journeymen, apprentices, and servicemen are eligible for a pension. The pension is earned and vested after working 10 years for a Local 72 signatory contractor. Anyone with 10 years credit and age 58 and older may draw from the pension plan.Example: A journeyman that is 58 years old with 30 years of credit earns a monthly pension of approximately $3,000.00.
- 3. Annuity
- a. The defined contribution (annuity) accumulates over time for journeymen. A contribution of $3.00 is made into an account for every hour an individual works. A journeyman who is 58 years old, or more, may draw money from the annuity.